Died Suddenly (2022)
Watch with an open mind and take it with a grain of salt.
29 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This film is obviously anti-vax, at least when it comes to the covid vax, which I totally understand, as I've never been anti-vax myself until the covid vaccine. Something with it just doesn't sit right with me. Believe it or not, WE ARE THE TEST, and this vaccine was rushed into production. We will not know for sure the long lasting effects for years to come. That being said, it's obvious that the agenda is being pushed hard in the anti-vax direction. To be fair and transparent, after watching the film, I did some research to see what the other side of the aisle had to say about it. I read an article from McGill University which raised some issues with the film such as the film makers using a few clips of people suddenly passing out, pushing the assumption that they died had all died from the vax. As it turns out, according to this article, 1 of the clips was from before the vax was even out, and another clip where the girl fell into the train - she apparently had a fractured skull, but lived. This does NOT mean that the girl didn't collapse due to a vax issue, however, but I just wanted to point out some of the film's missing context. That being said, the film showed about 10 clips like this, and the article mentioned only debunked 2 of them, so there is still likely some truth on the film maker side in regard to the other clips, they just used a few clips not pertaining to the vax to fuel their agenda, which is a bit of a no-no. As the article mentioned, these people in the film doing most of the talking are embalmers. TECHNICALLY, this is a field of science, and not medical professionals, so I somewhat understand the argument from the other side of that aisle that embalmers are not educated enough on the topic. I also understand that clotting can happen before and after death, and that it's not uncommon. HOWEVER, when the stats are in front of your face during the film, so long as the presented data is accurate, it can't be swept under the rug. When you have exponentially higher sudden death rates and stillborn baby death rates and all these young athlete deaths topping new highs - all since the vaccine releases, it's hard not to connect the dots. Add to that the fact that all these embalmers are saying that they have never seen clots like this material before, or as large of clots, or as commonly - and now there's really some red flags, again, assuming what all these embalmers say is the truth. Then there's the film's depopulation theory. Personally, I feel like the world IS overpopulated, and I don't even live in a huge city. That being said, if any population control were to be implemented, I would say to slow births, not create more deaths. It wouldn't surprise me if there were some big depopulation conspiracy theory that has some level of truth to it, I just can't say for certain based off of the facts presented in this film. Basically, all said and done, I think if you're open minded, it's worth a watch. There's arguments to both sides, and even as someone who leans more to the right, I can see why some would say this is all just a conspiracy theory, but the other side of the aisle also hasn't debunked enough of this film, and the article I mentioned tries to link people dying now to people dying 10 years ago, then even comparing people to whales at one point. Lots of farfetched comparisons to try and prove statements in the film are wrong. This is how I end with a 7/10. I don't think it's completely cut and dry in either direction, but I wouldn't be surprised one bit if there were some truth behind all this, and I certainly wouldn't underestimate big pharma. At the end of the day, all we know is what we are told, and when you're told several different things about the same thing, it can be very hard to sift through the garbage in any hope to find the truth. All we can do is keep an open mind, watch from both sides of the aisle, and make the best decisions we can.
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