Excellent entertainment
27 November 2022
Classic schlock ..im surprised this film is rated 15.

The film ia set on another planet and scientists have had a genetic experiment go wrong so the local space inspector comes to visit, he want to destroy creature but a beautiful woman scientist smiles, bats her eyelashes and invites him to diner so he doesnt bother.

Overnight the creature escapes and starts killing people.

The creature looks quite good and the killings are ok The effects are good The inspector who is a scruffy looking 40+ year old guy manages to get hold of the hot looking woman scientist whos much younger then him and he also has a naked steam room encounter with a young bird half his age who boyfirend was killed about 12 hours before.

One of the girls is naked half the film and the rest of the time she wears a small robe (we are talking full bush here).

The lead scientist is smoking a fag non stop even when he is being cut open to remove a growth inside him.

Its brilliant and enjoyable loads of blood n' guts , melting people and nudity ..top stuff.

The film is 1hr 17 mins which is perfect ..any longer and the fun would start wearing off Well worth a watch if you like good bad films.
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