Review of Cousins

Cousins (1989)
Huzzah! I found a cure for insomnia!
27 November 2022
Insomniacs, alert! If you want to cure your insomnia, than watch 'Cousins.' I took my mother for Mother's Day to see this movie when it first came out - her kind of thing. Some movies and TV shows we adore together, not so with this abysmally tedious flick.

To date, Cousins remains the one and only movie I have EVER fallen asleep in. Me? An avid movie goer. Now that's sayin' something.

My mother had come to the front of the cinema to collect me as I didn't answer her calling. Relieved that I was only sleeping, she was surprised as she loved the flick - each to their own, I see 'Cousins' does have some fans. I am most definitely not amongst their number. As far as tedium goes' Bridges of Madison County' runs a close second - the only reason 'Cousins' trumped it was I actually struggled to stay awake in 'Bridges'. Haha ... that was another of mum's faves. At least we both loved 'Mamma Mia,' 'The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel;' and their sequels and 'Downton Abbey,' 'Tolkien' and several others. However I'll leave her to 'Cousins' and 'Bridges...' to enjoy by herself.

I guess no one likes or hates everything, it's good we are such a diverse species as diversity is the spice of life. No spice in 'Cousins,' sadly! The spice has most definitely left the building!
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