Exceptional piece of cinema jumbled from the orginal
26 November 2022
Make no mistake this is an exceptional piece of cinema that conveys the horror of war, but it is very jumbled up from the orginal source material. Judging it from the film it is really worth watch and conveys ww1 in way we have rarely seen before on the big screen. I was also left disappointed though because differs so much from the source material. The extra plot it ads from outside the book really let's it down massively. It does make up for it with epic sets and battle scenes. It's alittle bit frustrating because when it has scene from the book it delivers thay excellently its only added plot lime that really takes away from what is a Stella plot line. It does carry the main theme from book onto film but misses out all most all sub plots and ideas. Which really does stop the film being a 10/10. It a good film but I would definitely recommend read the book and watch the orginal film.
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