Sweet, Cute and fluffy love story. Go to show when you feel low.
25 November 2022
The most loving and satisfying thing is the main couple's love storytelling is so smooth, subtle and realistic. I love that how close they came to the realistic couple.

All their bickering, cursing, caring and sunbae hunbae relationahip was so good and seemed exactly like real office romance.

There were no cringeness, no obsession in their love.

Plot :- It depicted here how love is percieved differently in the course of changeable time. How person's feelings develop over the time. No one can be the same. No one can wait for the same person forever. And it is good to move on for your own good.

" His love does not change, but I definitely did. "

I touched by this cute romantic story with the strong message on your love life.

PS:- The love pentagonal is not to miss. Haha.
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