Just a footnote but I think a good one.
25 November 2022
The future Countess of Carnarvon has a small role in this film.

I don't think that any of the other film fans who have written reviews here have brought it up so I would like to mention some interesting facts about the actress Tilly Losch. Aside from her ethnic dance in this film she plays a similar character in The Good Earth as a sing song girl who becomes the second wife of Wang Lung. Her film career is not notable but some of the rest of her life certainly is especially the fact that between 1938 and 1947 she was married to the Earl of Carnarvon who's ancestral home is the now famous Highclere Castle- better known to television audiences as Downton Abbey. The previous Earl of Carnarvon was world famous in his own right for providing the funds that led to the discovery of King Tut's tomb. There is some interesting information on the complexion of her marriage and how she fit into British high society to anyone who wants to do the research. But aside from that after the end of her marriage she reinvented herself yet again as an artist and I believe she even has work that has found its way into museums. This is a lady who when she is given lemons make lemonade.
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