Andor: Rix Road (2022)
Season 1, Episode 12
Who Saw the Scene After the Credits?
24 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Andor Season 1 was a stunning show in every respect and I'll be missing next weeks installment as I chomp at the bit for the next season to come out - it can't come soon enough!

The last episode brings most of the threads together and demonstrates the power of a united people under siege. Although it still leaves some questions unanswered for instance the relationship between Vel and Cintra - a story that has not yet been explored and could be interesting in S02. Whilst for me, this episode did not have the edge of the seat suspense that 'One Way Out did, there were still many outstanding scenes worthy of this finale; e.g., Maarva's soliloquy which I thought was perfection and served to fulfill her last wish which was to strike a blow for the rebellion and ignite the fire in the hearts of the Ferrix people leading them to stand up nd fight: Then there was the scene with the intense chemistry between Syril and Dedra following her rescue which literally ricochet off the screen and suggests there may be some romantic involvement in S02 although we'll have to wait and see.

The rebellion outbreak against the guards and the bombing is where Luthen gets his slap in the face and begins to understand the true value of Cassian who he originally came to assassinate with the help of his team. Cassian simultaneously has his own awakening where he finally sees that his only remaining choice is to accept the role of leadership and to fight the Empire.

Although some have said that Cassian's character is not the most colourful, there is subtlety there. The story arc of his development into a rebel hero is, in my opinion skillfully done, the prison episodes being the key pieces to his realisation of the horrific oppression that the Empire brings and how the only way to be free would be to stand up to them.

But by far the most ominous scene was saved for after the credits had rolled when we finally understand what the men in all the secret prisons were working on: The Death Star. It's all beginning to cook nicely. Truly, this is the best Star Wars offering I've seen, perhaps because there are inklings of familiarity in the emerging dystopia in our present time...Whatever the reason, I am hooked. Cant wait for Season 2.
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