Yellowstone: One Hundred Years Is Nothing (2022)
Season 5, Episode 1
Gahhhhh, Monica...
23 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What is really going on with the Monica character? In one instance she's a badass, in another she's purely weak. She's in active labor and can't let her, what,14year old son drive her to the hospital? Why? I'm sure he's driven something before. Most farm kids know how to drive by age 10 or younger. But instead she drives, petal to the metal, down a dark back road and ooops, there's a cow in the middle of the road. Who drives like that, with no caution, with a child in the car? That part of the episode just erked me. I kept thinking, how completely stupid of her. If she actually made it to the hospital unscathed I would have been more surprised than a cow in the road. *Face palm*
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