The USG started another major limited hangout in 2017...
22 November 2022
Neato. They used neural networks with glossy production CGI computer screens to find information that's been known for a long time in documents that have previously been used by many other researchers to come to much more rational conclusions.

This is an unwatchable, sad excuse for an investigation.

There wasn't just information withheld from the Warren Commission, but the commission was misrepresenting witness statements. Evidence didn't just get suppressed, it was destroyed or changed around by multiple elements of the USG. Here is just a taste:

The cop who originally was part of collecting the gun in the depository later said the rifle in the archives was not the same make or model.

The CIA photo dev guys who did the briefing boards later said the boards in the archives are not their briefing boards but have rather been altered and redone by someone else.

Even the guy who headed the House Select Committee on Assassinations' investigations, who gave the government every benefit of the doubt back then, now says that one of the persons babysitting his team of investigators when they were at the CIA was the CIA's former contact person for Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil when Oswald was dealing with them.

Both LBJ and Hoover were dirty to an unusually high order. That doesn't necessarily mean they were directly involved with the assassination, but it certainly means at the very least that every phone call they knew was recorded and every memo they signed was part of their attempt to not only cover their butts but create a second layer of narrative in case the first layer failed. LBJ and Hoover doing conference calls with Dallas PD and a meeting with Earl Warren urging them to pin this on Oswald for the good of the country to prevent WWIII had a deeper motive than preventing WWIII.

There were people at the agency, like William Harvey, who had already explicitly violated orders from the president, thought the Kennedys were scum, and wanted them gone. The weirdos Harvey and his friends were connected to were stranger and more disturbed than Oliver Stone or Jim Garrison wanted to get into. Think to yourself for a moment: What other subject did the USG suddenly want to start doing a limited hangout on in 2017 besides the JFK thing? Use your head, while you've still got it.
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