Where is the genius?
21 November 2022
Deadly dull and unfunny comedy starring the deadly dull and unfunny comedy team of Alan Carney and Wally Brown. The two play a couple of radio "detectives" trying to discover the identity of an extortionist/killer nicknamed "The Cobra." We find out in the first few minutes that "The Cobra" is Lionel Atwill, so any suspense is quickly shot to hell and the film goes into the crapper in record time.

Anne Jeffreys looks terrific, Atwill makes a great villain as always, Bela Lugosi as his servant isn't bad, but Carney and Brown are lousy. Besides not being funny, they act like morons, so the audience can't even root for them.

Atwill disguises himself as an old woman in the climax. On the other hand, Carney looks like Justice Sonia Sotomayor in a business suit.
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