If no one else will say it, I will
21 November 2022
I'm sure I'm not alone here. This series was Disney's answer to Cobra Kai, another legacy show. That one has been enjoyable and consistent so far. I can't say the same for Game Changers.

The Ducks in the movies trained and worked for their wins. Also, their coaches knew what they were doing. Bombay took the Ducks to the mountaintop not once but twice. In D3, the Ducks learned the hard way to listen to Ted Orion. It paid off. Does Alex have the right stuff? She would be great as a counselor in your average summer camp, but a hockey coach she is not.

What is the show trying to tell us? That you don't have to be good? All you need is heart? That might work on Power Rangers, but not here. The show would have us believe Alex is always in the right. Coach Cole does come off like a jerkass, but he was IN THE NHL. He knows what it takes. What about his son? Ok, scoring an own goal isn't a small thing, yet I'm having a hard time feeling sorry for him. You know who I do feel sorry for?

Evan Morrow was the one Duck who went all in on the camp. He paid for it. His so-called best friend Nick - the very definition of a participation trophy - is so bad at conflict he won't stand up for Evan to their friends. Evan wants to do well and get noticed. Do his friends support that? No. Is it wrong I want the Ducks to lose? They get destroyed in three games and Alex never stops to think her way isn't working.

Daniel LaRusso was endearing as an underdog because he had heart. He won because he had the skill to back it up and he got that skill from the best sensei.

If this season is telling us an underdog story, they're doing a lousy job.
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