Needed more 'fantastic' and a lot more 'beasts'
20 November 2022
This trilogy (with the exception of parts of the first one) is just laden with wasted potential. Having a new wizarding story that focuses on a unique character and his titular 'fantastic beasts' was a great idea. But instead these films chose to focus more on basically the same 'good vs evil wizards' story as Harry Potter, just without the fun magical feeling that made those movies good.

There are snippets of scenes in this film where Newt and his creatures are working together, and it's great, but then we suddenly cut back to one of many sleep-inducing political scenes, and it just feels like such a waste.

At times the film was so dull that I actually had to take a break for a few minutes while watching it so that I could reset my focus. As well as the story, this movie was also unfortunately one of the most visually bland things I've seen in a long time. Everything felt completely washed out, and at times it was seriously hard to see what was going on.
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