Andor: Daughter of Ferrix (2022)
Season 1, Episode 11
Necessary episode to prepare for the season finale
16 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
While not as adrenaline-filled as the previous, the penultimate episode of season 1 still contains the expected ingredients of a good season about to reach its conclusion. Every character gets some screen time, things are set in motion (Saw is informed of. Luthen's plan, Syril knicks some of his mother's credits to be able to attempt an interception of Andor heading to his mother's funeral etc). It's a needed pathway to lead us into the final episode.

That's not to say that the episode didn't pack a few punches, be it emotional (B2 mourning his "mother" pulled a bit on my heartstrings atleast) or the space fight scene familiar with those who watched the trailers (how awesome isn't Luthen's ship?!)

I feel torn between two emotions going into the finale next week; excited to see how they wrap it up, but also sad that we won't get any new Andor for a while after that.

Either way, bring it on!
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