great chemistry and fun packed crime comedy
14 November 2022
I read a storyline for this title somewhere at the time and it didn't appeal to me much, and so I missed out on this comic crime gem when I first started my k-drama journey. Since then I've learned to simply check out any k-drama that catches my eye, and figure out for myself what the theme is and see if the storytelling speaks to me or not. Many gems in many k-drama genres have been discovered since with this approach and this one is no exception. I'm amazed at the chemistry between all of the actors, lead or not, and how they seem to effortlessly play off of each other in even the smallest comic detail/display, kudos to that! I enjoyed this series so much I dont mind revisitting it for the many funny lines (albeit translated) and fun ("couples") fight scenes throughout the storyline, from start to finish - and also the consistent rhythm of the storytelling from the first to the last episode. Simply a great ensemble, great fun and great re-rewatch, much much appreciated!
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