Future-Kill (1985)
So Awful They Have To Reference The Performers' Better Movie To Get Viewers. Don't Fall For It. 1-2-Miss.
11 November 2022
Greetings And Salutations, and welcome to my review of Future-Kill; here's the breakdown of my ratings:

Story: 0.50 Direction: 1.25 Pace: 0.50 Acting: 0.50 Enjoyment: 0.75

TOTAL: 3.50 out of 10.00.

Future-Kill is one of those IMDb-listed films where you have to query the genres listed. Sci-Fi - just: Adventure - not quite: Comedy - NO! - not unless the awful acting, dire dialogue, feeble FX, and mad makeup give you a fit of the giggles.

Writer and director Ronald W Moore delivers a stinky wet fish of a story to the audience. There's nothing new or eye-opening in the narrative. However, there was an obvious opportunity at the start of the movie to make the story more powerful and emotional. Unluckily for the poor viewing public, Moore chose not to pursue this fascinating avenue. Instead, he opts to tell the tale of a group of frat boys taking their pranks to a new level by kidnapping a mutant from their part of the town. Of course, frats are not known for their wisdom: I mean, what could go wrong? Well, a mutant leader gets killed, and our lucky lads are in the area to get framed for the murder. Now the boys are on the lamb from the rest of the muties: Who, in turn, are hunting their pretty norm arses. This plot should've been engaging and thrilling. Sadly, Moore is unskilled at creating the atmosphere to entice and engage the viewer. His dialogue is trite and cringeworthy. The characters are so flat you could use them as the perfect ironing board. And it's here that the opportunity reared its head. Splatter is the lead villain. However, in the opening scene, we see him chatting with another member of the group he's associated with, and it's a non-violent group. This scene shows Splatter is attempting to go straight. Now imagine how much better the story would've been to display his inner conflict in addition to his basic compulsion to hurt people. But, as I stated before, Moore didn't possess the skills to make it happen - just look at his bog-standard stereotypical frat boys. The severe lack of individual personalities definitely adds to the yawn factor - and yes, I nearly fell asleep watching this flick.

Moore doesn't improve when he moves behind the camera. Though you can see that he's endeavouring to make the picture more engaging by employing lighting, colour, and compositional shots, he never entirely makes it work. I would put down his unfortunate miscarriages on the terrible script and his lack of skill at pacing a film. The dullness originates from his capacity to hold a shot in frame for too long. And there are too many of these. One of the worst, and the best example, is when the frats are sitting around discussing their plans. The dialogue is claptrap, and the performers appear to know that as they put in one of their most shoddy performances. However, Moore does his best. He uses upward angles and close-ups to add interest, but he holds them too long. There's a segment where one guy on the sofa is gabbling away, for a good minute or two, before his friend replies. He filmed the two minutes plus conversation from one position low to the floor at an upward angle. The screen showed everyone sitting around, hardly moving. It is the worst scene in the film. Regrettably, there are many similar overly-long scenes in Future-Kill.

The cast is a mixed bag. Each of the performers has their problems throughout the picture. Not one of them delivers a stable or entirely credible performance. However, this drawback may stem from either the script, which is poor, or the director, who isn't totally on top of his game; but in this case, I believe it's the lack of talent on the performers' part. It doesn't help matters much when you consider that most frat boys are way too old. A couple of them even possess a reclining hairline. Didn't Moore know any teens, or had he merely given the parts to friends and family?

All in all, Future-Kill is a dull dud of a Sci-Fi Action film. Every fan of the genre should steer well clear of this flick. Unless you're looking for a cure for insomnia, then feel free to give it a try...oh, and pleasant dreams.

I may be an aggressive a-hole of a mutant, but I'm trying my best. But By God, if you don't read my IMDb lists - Absolute Horror, Killer Thriller Chillers, and The Final Frontier to see where I rated Future-Kill, I swear I'll rip your head off and (Expletives redacted for the sake of human decency. Please think kindly of your fellow man, be they mutant or otherwise.)

Take Care & Stay Well.
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