The Peripheral: What About Bob? (2022)
Season 1, Episode 5
I hope Ned Dennehy'a character becomes a regular
11 November 2022
So this is by far the best episode yet, largely in part due to Ned Dennehy's guest starring in it. I've always loved the Irish versions of Clint Eastwood that he's played over the years. I really hope that this character becomes a regular on the show and not just a one off episode with him as he can bring a lot to the table!

This episode has lots of action and progresses/thickens the story and plot in places where it should have in the previous 4 episodes. I hope this sets the new tone and pace for the series moving forward - it was genuinely getting hard to watch up until now. This is the first episode that's been able to grab my attention and keep it for the entire runtime and for the first time I'm wishing we had the whole season instead of the weekly trickle. Despite some great action sequences, there were a couple things that made me roll my eyes and likely have a lot of other viewers scoffing as well - I'll keep this spoiler free but for those who read this after watching... I'd sure love to know what kind of vest that was...

They finally turned up the fire and graphic stuff to where it should be, which is a big and positive change from the first episodes. We're also finally getting some proper info on some of the characters backstories which is also making things much more interesting.

Would be a 7/10 but extra points for Ned!
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