Rawhide: Incident of the Challenge (1960)
Season 3, Episode 2
Gripping episode
10 November 2022
This story concerns a humble Aztec Indian who has traveled far on a donkey, in search of a legendary princess believed by the folk of his poor village to be their saviour. It is not just the mode of transport that makes this character appear Christlike: there is also his selfless act of giving the last of his water to Gil Favor after finding our trail boss unconscious in the middle of a dust storm after days of drought. Together they make it back to camp.

Accompanied by Hey Soos, the Aztec rides into town and wanders into a saloon whereupon he sees a local prostitute who happens to match the description of his mythical "Princessa." In his innocence he begs her to return with him to save his village. At first this lady of the night is dismissive and even derisive, but as events unfold she eventually finds new purpose and salvation in sacrifice.

This is one of the more moving Rawhide episodes: the direction is exactly right, with just enough tension and emotion without ever becoming melodramatic; the acting of the guest stars is outstanding, particularly that of Ann Robinson, who gives her tart-with-a-heart real depth and dimension; and Michael Pate, as the Aztec, gives a warm and understated performance. Regular lead, Eric Fleming as the stoic Gil Favour, is, as always, excellent.

Like most episodes there are touches of comedy, like when a limping and famished Gil is gleefully greeted back at the camp by trail cook Wishbone with a plate of hot food, only to exclaim with mock disappointment, "Stew? Again!?"

A thoroughly enjoyable episode.
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