Review of Road 96

Road 96 (2021 Video Game)
4.5 Stars out of 5 Stars
8 November 2022
A beautiful game, full of great vibes and fun storytelling! I ended up playing this game in 3 different playthroughs only because I wanted to 100% all the characters, which took me forever to complete, but IMO totally worth it.

This game is heavily story-driven that revolves around the player controlling a number of teens who are traveling across their country to cross into another. So, to me, this game is sorta like a dystopian future where Donald Trump (or someone to his likeness) becomes president/dictator, and turns the country into a dictatorship. You, the player, can persuade each teen you control to either be for President Torres, against President Torres, or be non-political, and with each decision you make, the world around you changes.

The characters is this game are the biggest highlights. Stan and Mitch were two numb nuts who have one mission; protect their sister. Another character I really enjoyed was playing John, the big ole truck driver. His missions were fun, but I really fell in love with his story.

The music is absolutely wonderful. This music mixed in with these beautiful level backgrounds just are such a vibe. Being able to climb a mountain and sit at the base with beautiful sights on the aurora borealis on a dark snowy night was good stuff.

I will say this: the way I played this game probably wasn't the best way, only because in me replaying the game twice, I was forced to replay the same levels, so it became kinda repetitive. But to anyone that reads this and doesn't want to make the same mistake, I say this; kill yourself. No no no I mean like, in the game, as you play as those teens, just try and play as many teens as you can. I think you only need 6 teens to cross the border to win the game, but if you die in the act, you'll get a new teen (you can get up to 16 so don't worry). I'm only saying this because if you want 100% on all characters, this is the best way to get it since this game is procedurally generated so finding characters is random, and if you show up at places you've been before, you might see some weird, creepy stuff happen (ghosts!!!!) In all, this game was amazing. Spending about 25 hours on this game was probably too much, but I don't regret it. This game has many cool things to show you, and with an Election Day coming up, you will have to make a decision that will change the outcome of the game. Highly recommended.
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