Gunsmoke: The Moonstone (1966)
Season 12, Episode 13
Skerritt's Winning Performance
7 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
After reading how Tom Skerritt was playing a brother rather childlike I had to watch. He's always proven himself over the years and wanted to see what reviewers were on about.

Skerritt was the whole show how he acted so passive and sweet but exuberant about going to town and being with his brother, Chad, then later angered and aggressive when he isn't treated as a man.

Chad has a checkered past and was once a wanted man. Orv meets Chad's acquaintance, Madge, in the saloon and thinks maybe she likes him. If Madge stopped always grabbing him and caressing his face and hair maybe Orv wouldn't get these notions. She is constantly brushing his hair out of his eyes and face like a child.

Orv believes Madge cares for 'him' and needs $100 to marry her. Watching his frustration being told he can't marry like other men made the viewer fully understand this attitude. His worldly possessions are contained in his 'valuables box' and he has even given Madge a lovely moonstone as a token of his love.

When Dillon comes to the farm and Chad tells Orv to do a chore he's smart enough to know he's being dismissed like a boy and he runs outside kicking things in his way. When he grabs the fence and shakes it with all his might, hair flying around and speaks his mind, I thought what a performance. He really understood the frustrations of a mentally challenged man who wants to be someone. Orv remembers the wanted poster on Chad he kept in his box and being desperate tells the Marshall he wants his reward not realizing what he's doing.

The ending is rather shocking but Orv thinks his brother is going to leave him because of what he did and overreacts with deadly results.

Nothing false or forced about Skerritt's performance and quite brilliant.
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