Wild spinsters.
7 November 2022
I'm perplexed when I see the imdb rating ! To write it's lauded far beyond its station is an euphemism .

Emile Cousinet ,an independent producer/director made duds by the dozen ,some of which are enjoyable as guilty pleasures, but most of them are the nadir of the French cinema.

This one is one of the worst I have ever seen:blame it on the disjointed sprawling screenplay where you meet : a disabled marquis (Jean Tissier ) in a wheel chair because suffering from gout, his foster brother (Pierre Larquey ,why did those talented actors get involved in that business?), a vicar , a committee championing virtue ,three spinsters -check the title- eventually trying to get married , three hoodlums they choose as their future husbands ,a contest to elect the three most deserving old maids, the president of the jury in love with one of the thieves disguised as a woman, female wrestling .Enough is enough!
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