Sissy (I) (2022)
Missed the mark
5 November 2022
This was a hard movie to sit through. It felt cringy on a lot of levels and I wasn't buying it. The theme was strong enough -- the impact of social media on Gen Zs mental health. But the quirky, stylistic filmic devices to present the world as hyper-unsettling were very distracting.

The dialogue was painfully forced and lacking depth, and rarely did a scene create an actual tone of authenticity between characters. The actors did a decent job with what they had to work with but the writing just did not work for me.

The titular character felt more like a metaphor than any human being that anyone could relate to. People don't get shaped into murderous psychopaths because of their unmet need for attention. It was just weird presenting it in this way.

Maybe I took this way too seriously and it's just supposed to be more of a horror comedy. I don't know, but it did not hit the mark for me.

This film would've been much more effective if it had been reduced down to a short horror as part of an anthology rather than trying to sustain itself as a full length feature.
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