Old People (2022)
And you thought cheek pinching was bad
4 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
By gum, young fella, I'm surprised to see this movie as poorly rated as it is. Why, back in my day, we appreciated a flick that delivered what it promised, and dadgummit, I think this one does so.

The concept is unsettling. Old people turning on the young - even on their own loved ones? That's a pretty grim notion. I don't know what message the filmmakers were trying to impart here and I didn't search too hard for one. But the ride itself is a fun one, even if it's a little bit eye-rolly in places. They do a lot right, here. If you're telling a story about a swarm of old timers whipping up some old fashioned whoop ass on young folk, for example, you better make your geriatric bad guys look pretty scary. In this, I think the filmmakers succeeded mightily. Those old bad asses look sinister. They look mad. Mostly, they look old. Real damn old, and every sad feature of aging was used to full effect. The gnarled hands, the shriveled faces, the hunched and shuffling way they moved as they were coming to kill you. They groaned with the aches of age even they bent to stick a shank in your guts. You could practically hear them creeking as they rampaged. This ensemble was so well put together, you could almost SMELL them; an unlovely blend of Ben-Gay, moth balls and Werthers Originals wafting all over the many scenes of carnage.

But I digress. It's an aging thing, you know, can't keep a thought in my fool head to save my lifes.

The main characters - the broken and now desperate family, were about as frustrating as you can get. Hey, we've got a gun! Let's not use it! Let's set it down and forget about it at every turn! And hey, you know what's a good plan in situations like these? Splitting up. Anything else we can do to ensure we all get gummed to death by these murderous duffers?

But that's par for the course in horror movies like this. All in all, this was a fun movie. I reckon it deserves a better score than it's getting, but you know how young people are. Never satisfied. Now if you'll all excuse me, I've got to go do something nice for my elderly momma so she doesn't kill me in my sleep.
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