You had to be there, or then
3 November 2022
I'm saddened by the negativity in the reviews, because this was a sparkling new comedy, very relevant and different when it came out - I know, I saw it then. A few years ago I searched and found the dvd and was overjoyed to discover it had lost nothing, or I had not mis-remembered. Cary Grant, of course, stole the show as he embarked on more of his light comedy genius (and there are very very few who can carry it off without the "look at me being funny" air) with his usual charm and style. Samantha Eggar, beautiful and typical of the time, a young lady trying to be modern but desperately old-fashioned despite the times - it was only 1964 remember, things were pretty staid then. The Beatles may have exploded onto the music scene but most of the freedom came later in the decade. Jim Hutton reminds me of a young Jimmy Stewart, it's a pity he wasn't still around to develop, having made an early demise in his forties.

The plot is simple, and very silly. Woven around the Tokyo Olympics to make it relevant, it's a colourful and interesting view of Tokyo, which most of the Western world would not have seen. I'll bet it helped tourism after the Olympics died down.

It's an enjoyable, light hearted film, fast moving in parts, with expert players. A wonderful era for movies.
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