Review of Faith

The Walking Dead: Faith (2022)
Season 11, Episode 22
Only a 9 Because of the Ending
30 October 2022
So the writing of this show continues to stay perfectly above mediocre, and I was gonna give this one an 8, but the ending was too good to to that and overall the episode wasn't that bad either.

One of the biggest misses they've done is introducing new variants when there are only 5 episodes left and they only utilize those new walkers in one or at most two episodes, so makes you wonder what the point is if they're not gonna be a big threat like Whisperers were. They might be introducing them to use them in new upcoming spin-offs, but what's the point if there aren't gonna do much in the main show, especially when there are only 2 episodes left now?

One thing about this season that was disappointing was how quickly they got rid of The Reapers. I was totally expecting them to be the season's big bad guys or at least ham them for longer, but they went out as quickly as they came in. I wanted the same treatment with the Commonwealth, meaning that they're in the picture for one only one part of the season and the third part be about another group, optimistically Rick and Michonne's.

But obviously, Commonwealth is way way bigger of a threat than The Reapers so it makes sense it's taking the better part of this final season. The problem is tho, that the hugeness of the Commonwealth is kinda not felt? Like they say there are +50k people living in there but we don't see much of that or we're not shown many streets and houses to feel how big this community actually is.

I also think that Ezekiel and Negan's subplot is way too overdramatic to the point of cheesiness and even cringe. Like it's kinda to the point that the writers think they're making V for Vendetta. This season's plot and storyline obviously is reminiscent of that movie and this has always been a serious drama, but for some reason this one feels way too over the top and overdramatic for its own good.

Rant aside, I thought this episode was decent enough but the ending did it for me. Some problems still get solved really weirdly and easy and borders on unrealistic and you can nitpick the hell out of that final prison scene, but overall the episode was good in itself, not sure about it being the third to last episode of the entire show though.
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