Oh lord....this is bad
29 October 2022
OK so I read reviews good & bad & I can tell you....the way the good reviews are writing these are paid editors...........this movie is BAD: no not bad as it bad ass......bad bad.

Firstly the "prim" character (Aggie(?) I cared that little I didn't even take it her name) was soooo annoying .....not just the horrible acting but the dark eyebrows & platinum hair was just so distracting. The other "goth" character is so wooden it was unreal.......no real sentiment or feelings....just dead wood.

Secondly: when is this supposed to be??? They are all dressed medieval but say stuff like "cool" & just chill & have lunch together gossiping & it feels modern day. They go from a dirty market with knife weilding witch-killers to a clean shiny book shop with gold embossed pages all in the same breath.....it makes no sense.

Thirdly...this music, the overbearing pop that makes me want to be deaf.. again, when is this?

Lastly - all the well known actors in this have sadly debased themselves for this rubbish which is disappointing to say the least..... Charlie come on now........you played Aileen Wuornus unbelievably well......

Everyone in this movie is a bland friend, a shallow rival or just someone so cute you forget they are a murderer (that bit is ridiculously laughable). It took my days to finish cause it got so cringe I couldn't bear it.....only watched it cause need to know endings (what a curse!!).......also a massive letdown!!!
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