Barbarian (2022)
Very Entertaining, Popular Horror Done Right
29 October 2022
TLDR: A fantastically strange and totally unpredictable Horror film that I will no doubt be showing to all my friends for a fantastic horror film night. Although the last 10 minutes do leave more to be desired.

When it comes to originality in story structure I give this film a 10. Wonderful and bonkers. It kept me guessing right till the final act.

I can't say a thing about the plot because if I spoiled this film for anyone I wouldn't forgive myself. But it's solid and quite disturbing too. But never fully scary.

My main flaws are with how sudden it all ends. It really feels like the best content of this film is the first and second act. That final 10 mins felt like they had no idea how to end it and it fizzled out a bit. Don't get me wrong I did enjoy the ending but it by far didn't live up to the pace and the tension of the film before. There are loads of plot holes too. But I can over look that because of how much fun I had watching this film.

I loved this film as a horror fan. It felt like a homage to the horror films of new and the 80's. But I can also see how this film will not be what you expect, I can promise you that, and some people may be put off with how sudden and drastic the twists are. I for one loved this film and its sheer unpredictable nature. I was gripped from start to finish and as horror films go this was the most engaged I have felt in years. Saw levels of creativity and twists. I loved it, despite its very strange structure and admittedly weaker ending.

There is so much more I loved but I simply can't say, that would spoil the simply jaw dropping twists. And I wouldn't want to do that at all.

I guess when it comes to horror films I judge them based on what I think they want me to feel vs how I actually felt. This film, from my perspective, was made to keep you in suspense and to surprise. It played off common genre tropes of new suspense thrillers like the stranger, and also tropes from a different genre I can't say without spoilers. This film kept me guessing and I had a blast trying to predict it through out.
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