Not what I had hoped for..
26 October 2022
Gosh the first film was amazing almost 10/10 for me. I feel like this sequal had a piss poor script. This film felt very budget as well. I feel like with superhero films like the avengers we expect a lot of eye catching or exciting moments with glimpses of comedy and built up touching scenes. This lacked all of that and it tries so hard to be emotional but still fails. I had to watch this in three separate days because I kept falling asleep. The villain is dorky and cliche, the relationships and "touchy" moments didn't move me at all and I'm an emotional kinda guy. 1.5 hours into the film, only two very brief action scenes take place in which they were very frustrating to watch and the rest is boring dialog and bad character development with cliche characters to top it off. The ending was also extremely anti climatic.

In summary I would not reccomend watching this at all. I loved the first film so much but I found it hard to find one good thing about this sequal, besides loving Gal Gadot. 3/10 for me.
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