Doctor Who: The Power of the Doctor (2022)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
The Power of the Doctor
26 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I remember having such hopes for the Jodie Whittaker era of 'Doctor Who' after travelling with Peter Capaldi's Doctor felt a bit like hard work.

Unfortunately though, like Capaldi's era, Whittaker has been lumbered with weak scripts, and a whole Scooby-doo style gang of misfits who've never quite gelled. The proof of this is that John Bishop, so 'vital' in 'Flux' is booted off here after about five minutes.

Even her Doctor has never had much depth to her. There's no comparison between her and say Christopher Eccleston's take on the character.

But here we go, the BBC billed this as an 'event' and it's here that we bid farewell to the 13th Doctor and much maligned Writer/Exec Producer Chris Chibnall (writer of one good series of 'Broadchurch' and two bad ones).

And he goes for full on fan service as a way of smoothing over the troubled tenure, with surprise surprise, this making for a better episode.

Like most Doctor Who episodes from about 2010 onwards I didn't understand all of the plot, but I don't think it really mattered.

It's bright, it's buzzy, and the cameos/references paper over the cracks along the way.

I agree with a previous reviewer - this was a shameless attempt to win back fans and steady the ship. It did that for now.
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