Review of The Watcher

The Watcher (2022– )
25 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Oh so we have to write a minimum of 600 characters now? Super.

Unless you enjoy things that build and build and build on your interests only to go unsolved and have a dumb ending, don't waste your time. I don't event understand how this has 6 stars out of 10. This seems to be a big trend with Netflix shows lately - build and build and build and then have a terrible ending.

The characters are all interesting but you never quite figure ANY of them out except for the detective who died. The daughter is a huge s l u t who needs a major reality and privilege check. The family are gullible idiots who go along with any story they're told, Oh look, I made the minimum character limit. I'm done now. I just hate shows like this.
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