Go see it! Dont judge from the Turk Troll reviews
22 October 2022
Don't let the Turk Trolls sway your viewing opportunity to see the TRUTH. Well written drama story and glimpse of War and Genocide that never ended.

Nagorno-Karabakh was and it is an autonomous region pre, during and post Soviet era. Yes there is conflict! It was not to be resolved by force nor war. Only to be resolved by peaceful and diplomatic resolution of the OSCE Minsk Group.

The continuation of the Pan-Turkic ideas and reunification movements are to destroy all Christian history, culture, and heritage from Anatolia and Caucuses.

The conventional warfare mixed with new 5th Generation warfare is to distort information. But traditional war journalism shows the true faces of the perpetrators.

Go see it, feel the drama, and judge without bias.
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