Black Adam (2022)
The rock is Black Adam
20 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Caught a screening of it last night, little dissapointed, was expecting nore of a storyline, but what it lacked in story it made up for im action, and need i say its plentiful. Judt having Henry Cavil in for the 2 seconds in during the post credit scene made this fanboys dream come true. What does it imply? Possibly a spinoff where superman battles black adam or does he join the justice league i what one can only hope zack synder is writing and soon to direct. Dont get me wrong the film is pretty good, just found it was kind of stuck in one area and could of explored other possibilities considering Shazam is black adams nemesis. And the Rock nails this performance, one could even go so far to say he was born for this role.
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