God's Country (II) (2022)
19 October 2022
After reading the premise and watching the trailer, I decided to give this film a shot. Bad idea! This film is complete garabage. I know a lot of people like to use the term "one of the worst movies ever" but I really mean it. That statement is totally acceptable when it comes to this film. It was a total waste of time. When it was all said and done I had no idea what I had just watched. I liked the idea of the film, but the way it played out was pointless. The events that took place could of been easily avoided. But most of all, there's a good 45 minutes where nothing happens. The lead character just kinda mopes around feeling sorry for herself. It was torture getting through that. The film starts to pick up a little in the last 15 minutes. But it doesn't save the film from being any good. Do yourself a favor and watch something else. 3 stars.
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