Law & Order: Submission (2008)
Season 18, Episode 12
Not an episode to scrape off the shoe
17 October 2022
'Law and Order' was a brilliant show in its prime and overall is actually my favourite of the 'Law and Order' franchise and out of it, 'Special Victims Unit' (the longest running) and 'Criminal Intent'. Despite not feeling the same post-Briscoe. Personally did like Green and Lupo together, they didn't have the same spark as Green with Briscoe but they at least work well together while Cutter has been a great addition this season with one or two exceptions.

One of the better episodes of a generally pretty solid season, brilliant at its best but it took a little time to find its footing, is "Submission". Not quite as outstanding as the previous episode "Betrayal" or a 'Law and Order' high point, but still a great reminder of what makes the show so great when it is on form (which it is here) and a great episode in its own right. There is very little to fault here and the best aspects are pretty brilliant.

Really didn't like the underuse of McCoy, in fact to me it's criminal, he's an iconic character and in general he deserved better this season.

"Submission" is truly great and more everywhere else. Can find nothing to fault the production values for though, the slickness and grit still present and likewise with the more fluid editing. The music is used relatively sparingly and is not too intrusively orchestrated, fitting too with the mood. The direction is generally alert but also sympathetic, shining in the character interactions in the legal scenes. Liked the tautness, edge and thought-probing of the second half's writing.

While enough of the first half absorbs, and Green and Lupo work very well together, the more intricate and meatier second half is more riveting and feels more charged in energy and emotion. Cutter has settled very well and has proven himself to be a very worthy prosecutor. The acting is never less than very good.

In summary, great. 9/10.
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