God awful sound!
16 October 2022
Pretty basic and wouldn't probably be that bad if we could actually hear anything. I don't know what they thought or did when they made this movie, but from start to finish you simply cant hear half of what the actors are saying over their background noises or soundtracks (the accent is not really helping either), and that's just plain stupid and exhausting. All this quickly make you not care about the plot after half an hour because you simply don't want to bother anymore trying to hear anything, leaving you just waiting for the killing and running to start, which reveal itself be pretty disappointing and weirdly done even more so when you can't understand the plot for the reason explained before.

So my advice if you still want to try it (you shouldn't, it's bad, but to each his own), you should look for some subtitles to be able to follow what the actor are actually saying.
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