"I was flabbergasted....and I don't flabber very easily"
16 October 2022
"Angels in Disguise" is certainly the most unusual Bowery Boys film. Instead of their usual style, this one is told like it's film noir...with Leo Gorcey providing noir-style narration and a much darker and more serious tone than their other films. It's also a lot more violent and gritty. It's a real shame...as I think this is the best film the team made...and a shame they didn't do more like it.

Sach and Slip are copy boys working for a newspaper. Soon they learn that a cop friend of the gang is injured...and his partner killed by some mobsters. As you'd expect, Slip decides to investigate on his own and soon ends up involved with the gang...a gang headed by a most unusual and cultured young man.

While Sach is, as usual, dopey and annoying, it's nice to see Slip playing a more serious role...along with his usual malapropisms and odd way of speaking. My favorite of these is in summary!

Overall, a very welcome change for the team. While I've seen nearly all the Bowery Boys' films, I must admit that they are very uneven and quite a few of them are downright terrible. "Angels in Disguise" certainly is not terrible. In fact, I really enjoyed it.
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