An idiotic narcissist
15 October 2022
Very interesting documentary. One wonders how Prince Andrew s life would have turned out had he married this pretty actress Koo Stark.

The documentary shows how a spoiled child is literally spoiled, like rotten.

A mother who had him as her favourite for understandable reasons. An environment where nobody will ever tell you anything but "yes". The pain inherent to being a number two (think of that South park episode with Bono).

It was clearly very easy to find people close to him to talk smack, so much that it was quite remarkable. In fact, it's mentioned several times that nobody liked or likes the guy, which is made very understandable.

The poor guy ends up looking like an entitled imbecile with no redeeming qualities. You would have thought that over the years he'd have had the smarts to get involved with a noble cause, not unlike Alfred Nobel wanting to NOT be remembered as the guy who invented TNT, or so many (all?) billionaires attaching their names to well-meaning foundations.

But not Prince Andrew, apparently. Just a sad horny intellectually inferior narcissistic loser in a downward spiral, whose life peaked as a helicopter pilot when Britain was still waging wars.

The saddest thing of all: how much sleep did his shenanigans cost the Queen, and therefore did he precipitate her passing? Hard not to think about that after watching this documentary, given the sequence of events.

I'm not surprised that rich men are horny and that vulnerable women are preyed on by powerful men, because I don't live under a rock. But the depiction of sense of entitlement, stupidity and lifelong series of poor decisions of that man was really quite staggering.
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