I think I liked it
15 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Just to get this out of the way, I know this movie has issues, and there's so many indefensible problems with the movie that definitely pulled me out of it

So let's start with all of that. Yes, this is Halloween Ends for about 10 minutes of the movie, and that's towards the end. It's really bizarre that they chose to make Corey the main antagonist is immediately writing themselves into a corner. I kept leaning over to my brother and joking with him "Halloween Ends: Starring Norman Bates." It's not a good idea when you're talking about making a conclusion to a 40 year rivalry

There's also no defending a lot of the dialogue. It's not surprising to see bad dialogue in a horror film, but 4 writers really couldn't make it work? It felt like I was watching a movie written by George Lucas, without the creative storytelling to make up for it. It's kind of embarrassing

All of this could probably be forgiven if Michael was in the movie more. He was still a lot of fun to watch and it was cool to see him slowly regain his touch. But the fact that I was questioning if he was even in the movie at all before the halfway point is a testament to how unforgivable their lack of focus on him was

So this begs the question, why do I like this movie? Well it's for a couple reasons

One, it was far more enjoyable to me than Halloween Kills. I still think the message was wrong for the universe and consider good kills to be the standard for this franchise, not the exception that gives it's movies a silver lining. It was cool to see a movie that built tension and went back to the subtleties the franchise thrives on

More on that, I actually really like Corey. Yes his story doesn't blend well into this universe, but it was cool to see him pushed down a dark path while I still maintained hope he could be saved. But once he stole Michael's mask and went on his rampage, which was awesome, I knew there was no going back for him. It reminded me of stories I love like Batman the killing joke, which explore what drives someone to madness

I also think a lot of what you leave off with in terms of your impression of a movie is the last 15 minutes, which were incredible. Not just the showdown between Laurie and Michael, but also Corey's dark path coming to a close in the pinnacle of his destruction catching up with him. The boogeyman was destroyed once and for all, and so was any trace of his legacy embodied through his 2nd coming. It was dare I say, satisfying

So yes, clearly this movie has problems and I'll be the first to admit I wouldn't consider this movie as holding a candle to the first film or even the 2018 sequel, but at the end of the day I had a good time with it. I imagine I'll be in the minority for the rest of time with this, but every now and again something comes along that we feel attached to seemingly without explanation. And I'll stand by that opinion even if what people see behind my eyes is purely and simply evil.
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