Dark Forces (2020)
Held my interest down to the weak ending
14 October 2022
It's generally a bad movie with a clever enough organization that I kept interested. The director evokes a lot questions among the audience. The plot development is kind of fresh and marginally unique. The acting is very dramatic, which adds a wee bit of mystery with a cup full of bile. But being a foreign language film for me, it's a plus. The special effects are cheap )literally and figuratively). Maybe I got a Netflix edited version, because some of the film's description was never substantiated in the version I saw. For instance, the lead character was supposed to have just been released from prison. And that makes sense per the version I watched, but in my version that fact was not disclosed. The biggest drawback is the how nearly every scene presupposes more knowledge among the audience. Virtually none of the questions that the viewer has regarding, why or what's happening are ever answered. The end was predictable and answered none of the questions. See it and maybe pass 90 minutes ok, or don't see it and know you haven't missed anything.
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