Possibly the worst finale in the history of cinema
14 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The series finale would of been a lot better if it ended with Jamie Lee Curtis getting her head ripped off. They try to make her out to look like this total badass, but in actuality, she's an unlikable grumpy old women. As far as the movie goes, I don't understand why they made a finale with one of the most iconic characters in film history about someone else. Other then the scene at the doctors house, Myers doesn't leave the sewer till the very end of the film. It was more about the Corey character and how he turns into a psychopath. It's upsetting they ended the saga the way they did. Killing off Micheal Myers and not Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) was what everyone expected but not what everyone wanted. 5 stars.
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