The Walking Dead: Variant (2022)
Season 11, Episode 19
Solid Episode All Around
12 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was probably the best episode since episode 14.

I think every subplot was interesting and not a waste of time if some of them only half-interesting like the Princess part which was a nice little characterization and backstory for her character, but it wasn't as interesting as the others I guess. But it was part of multiple subplots and characters that are close and around Mercer to convince him this regime he's serving is no good and we slowly see him mellow a bit about this new group.

I like that we're finally getting some snippets and pieces of who Pamela Milton really is and how ruthless and villainous she is, which feel it's kinda too late that we're getting this now, but it's interesting nonetheless and I'm looking forward to seeing where they'll go with this character.

Another big part of this episode, and to whom they dedicated this episode's narration intro, is Eugene and what he's doing after the events of the last episode and he's on the run now. And his conflict in this episode is about bravery/stupidity, which I think they have kinda already redeemed him from this scared no-balls character to a strong and brave one, but I don't think the focus was so much on him being brave and more so about him finally finding his soulmate and not wanting to leave her side which I think is admirable and suited to his character. Abraham would be proud.

One of the most interesting things in this show as a whole also happens, a new variant of the walkers that seem to have a semblance of their past existence's consciousness or at least maybe the muscle memory that can turn the door knobs and climb walls which finally! About time I guess. I just don't get why we're just getting this now when there are only 5 episodes of the show left. The different variants should've been in the show in every season to spice things up and walkers don't become more of a background and secondary characters as they were.

The reveal of this new type of walker is really well-done and I'm glad it's Aaron they did the reveal with, but I still have some problems with this scene and once again with the episodes as a whole and I've been complaining about this for god knows how long. My problem with the new walkers reveal scene is firstly how suddenly a hundred walkers are in the Kingdom 2.0 with no sound until you see them - for dramatic effect obviously - and how they just cut after the reveal and Aaron's exposition and they show anything else about how they killed all the other walkers and got out of there, which makes it feel artificial and forced writing that the only reason they situation was created was to reveal the walkers and be done with it as quickly as possible after the exposition which they did.

And my other problem which includes the whole season and other seasons too and is related to the previous one is that some scenes are just cut a little bit too soon and the transition is jarring and feels like there's something missing in between and something has been cut. I just think they should linger on some scenes a little bit and not cut quickly to the next scene like they're doing a powerpoint presentation.

Not to mention that they just skipped the part where Jerry with his injured legs just teleported on the rooftop that had no stairs, and Aaron too who has a fake hand. Reminded me of that one episode, probably from this season, where there was a storm and the water was rising in the basement and Negan or someone else was coming out of the basement through a window but they just skipped to him suddenly being outside. Like these things make the editing and the flow of the sequences and make the transitions feel awkward and weird and make us think the writers and the director and the editor couldn't think of another way to and they just said "F it, cut it out and cut to the next scene, we don't need to see how they got up there or through there or how they were surrounded by 100 walkers while on the roof, just cut to the next scene where they killed all of them off-screen." All in all, I think this episode was really solid and every subplot was done decently. Pamela's character is getting more interesting and the show definitely got more interesting with the introduction of the new walker variant which I wish happened like 7 seasons ago, and the episode ends on a cliffhanger, which we have to wait and see what happens next week. Hope the show goes out with a bang and not a dud.
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