So annoying
12 October 2022
This show and those who like it. None of the 1 star reviews I've read gave 1 stars because they are fat shaming like the 8+ star reviewers claim, they have 1 stars because of the toxicity that is Whitney. She is an awful person. Beauty, for most of us including me, comes from within.

I don't care if you're huge, if your personality is nice I'd think you're beautiful. I don't care if your skinny and seen by many as "beautiful", if your personality is bad, I don't think you as beautiful. Whitney isn't beautiful to me.

I don't care that she is fat, I care that she started the show to become healthy but had multiple excuses and whines about everything since episode 1.

She's doing this for fame and money instead of actually wanting to be healthy and hides behind "I'm trying, see the personal trainer" things. Being fat is fine, trying to be a role model to lie and say it is healthy to be 350+ pounds is not.

I feel like she is stuck within her mind and stuck in a constant loop of excuse after excuse that she actually forgot her original goal, which was supposed to be the goal of the show and the actual good of the shows

Those reviewers who'd say I'm only reviewing so low because I'm "fat shaming" probably aren't even reading this. My belief is those reviewers, like any show or movie that does bad with reviews that has a female role or gay character or whatever (with the "sexist", "homophobic" claims for why their reviews are so low), are only saying we're "fat shaming" without actually reading or trying to understand why we don't like the show. They should actually read some of reviews, maybe they wouldn't claim so many are fat shaming if they actually did.
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