Hammer the Toff
11 October 2022
The Toff is a Saint knockoff. Hammer the Toff is cheap B movie that looks more like a quota quickie but with better production values.

Richard Rollison is the Toff. An aristocratic and well connected amateur crime fighter. He is friends with Inspector Grice (Valentine Dyall) and East End pub owner Bert Ebbut who has links with the criminal side of life.

Rollison has a calling card of the Toff. A caricature of a man in top hat, monocle, and smoking a cigarette in a holder.

In this movie Rollison meets Susan Lancaster in a train compartment and soon her uncle, a scientist is found dead. The culprit is a character called the Hammer.

Rollison tracks down the Hammer but discovers this is a Robin Hood type person and could not had killed Susan's uncle.

Maybe someone has taken the Hammer's identity or just trying to blame him.

An unpretentious and simple plot. This is a no frills and no fuss movie. The music is irritating, the story is creaky with not much action.

There is an appearance by Charles Hawtrey.
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