Review of Dye Hard

The Rookie: Dye Hard (2022)
Season 5, Episode 3
Hollywood & Reality: Never the Twain Shall Meet.
10 October 2022
I was just enjoying the first quarter of the show, thinking it was nice, getting them back to routine "real" police cases, albeit in their new roles (achieved unrealistically quickly). Then Nolan got into a discussion with his boot (Celina Juarez) about things police officers do to ensure things go well. Juarez had used sage in the car. Nolan responded by saying that officers were a superstitious group, for instance, he said, a lot of officers wore St. Christopher medals. Believing in God and in the saints is not a "superstition"! Nolan not washing his hockey jersey to keep winning IS a superstition. I'm not religious, but I respect those who are. So much for my enjoyment of the episode. That's a typical Hollywood offensive comment about those who are religious and, while hardly surprising, is galling nonetheless.

Then Juarez made a stop without "probable cause." For starters, that's not even the standard for making an investigatory vehicle stop. The standard is a lesser "reasonable suspicion." In such a situation, officers are permitted to make "commonsense judgments and inferences about human behavior." [Wardlow, 528 U. S. 119]. You'd think the writers of a cop show would know such a basic fact, considering the way they throw around "fruit of the poisonous tree," but then many commentators here and elsewhere have bemoaned the sorry state of writing in Hollywood today.

Regardless of the standard, that's something I've never totally gotten. Taxpayers spend all this money to train officers and develop their instincts and then they are not allowed to use those instincts that they've spent years developing. Later, Nolan briefly references an officer's trained "intuition" (which the boot doesn't yet have), but then goes on to make a speech basically disparaging the concept. (He does relent somewhat at the end based on Juarez's real-life experience.)

And all the others being angry and blaming Nolan and Juarez for not being able to use the evidence from the car? They are still better off than they would have been if Juarez had NOT stopped the car.

It would also be nice if the writers made ANY attempt to mirror what's happening with the real L. A. police and prosecutors. Generally, they are portraying the exact opposite. At the very least, they are certainly ignoring the reality of what's going on.

Also, I am grateful that, while they've added another ethnic brunette, at least I can tell her apart from the other two. I've watched this show from the start, and I still get Chen and Lopez mixed up. I like Juarez's character too.

Last, I'll add my vote to others: Wrap up this annoying Rosalind story line!
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