Review of Time Flies

Last Man Standing: Time Flies (2021)
Season 9, Episode 1
Time Flies
10 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was a very bumpy and jarring start to the ninth and final series of 'Last Man Standing'.

It felt as though they had a plot prearranged and then decided to be topical and lump a lot of Covid 19/pandemic jokes at the start for no other reason than to be topical. The problem with doing so is that it dates your episode. I watched this in 2022 and the jokes felt very creaky/done better elsewhere.

It does settle down into being a nice episode after this though, with the standard gentle comedy that this show has mined for the previous eight series.

I do feel that it had perhaps run its course though by this point, and the lack of a normal sized studio audience is telling too.
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