Cactus Jack (2022)
Most disturbing found footage movies ever! And not because of the gore
10 October 2022
I'm a bit obsessed with the found footage sub genre so I tend to see the majority of FF movies that come out. Sure there are some great ones out there but it's hard to find truly disturbing FF movies, Poughkeepsie Tapes and Crowsnest are two that come to mind but there has yet to be another movie like Cactus Jack. It is disturbing and unsettling on so many levels. Now if you are expecting a gorefest you would be disappointed but my god this movie fu@ks with your head so bad that by the end of it you want to go live in a basement somewhere or it will make you want to become an activist. Set before trump was installed in the White House by Putin, Cactus Jack follows a documentarian who is following a right wing nut job (to say the least) who lives in his mothers basement prepping for the upcoming civil war between the left and the right.

Three things make this movie stand out from the others. One....the script is absolutely immaculate! Totally sucks the viewer in to the seedy word of Cactus Jack and gives a psychological snapshot of true evil. Two....the acting is top notch, with a great script you still need great actors to pull off the story and both of the main actors are amazing. And finally the rhetoric that Cactus Jack spews through out its run time is the most disturbing part of this movie. Raciism, homophobia, misogynist and xenophobia all are on full ugly display and if you are apart of one of these groups then this movie will sting. But It is delivered in such a way that it makes you want to watch it til the end.

Hands down the best found footage movie in decades!
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