Batman Ninja (2018)
Complete insanity, and i love it.
10 October 2022
Every Anime Cliche, every Batman and villian boiled down to its most absurd expression, and everyone is tripping balls. Basically Batman and Villians get Samurai Jacked to Japan, The villians become warlords, they pilot giant transformers to fight, and absurdities escalate to the point where it feels like the hallucinogenic mushrooms are starting to kick in. The art is so spazzy and colorful. It's literally a celebration of endulgence, and orgy of Aime action. Everyone seems to criticize the story and acting. This is more akin to a video game,or P0rn...the story is expected to be there, but if thats what your here for then you may be missing the point. This is the stuff that plays in the head of little boys when they are banging toys together and making explosion sounds with thier mouth. At least when kids still played with action figures. Freaking loved it!
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