The Man in the Brown Suit (1989 TV Movie)
Don't bother, stick to the book. Or wait until a decent adaptation arises
8 October 2022
Oh this is awful. If the lead actress didn't quite overact it may have improved things -slightly.

I was expecting the story in the book. With Ann, a Londoner in the 1930s whose dad dies and she witnesses an accident at the tube station, a man takes something from the body.

Here we have a similar story but set in 1988 and with a loud American, who seems to think everyone around her is deaf. Ann witnesses an accident and a man in a brown suit takes something from the body (not a roll of film as in the book). The actress playing Ann is awful, as is the script. The way she get close, very close to her fellow actors (Col Race when they first meet) could be seen as assault. She's too jaunty, too silly - ooh shall I go home or stay here? Oooh I'll stay here an have an adventure!!! This from a forty year old woman.

Tony Randall probably thinks he's giving the performance of a life time but, sadly not.

Suzy played by another annoying actress.

The ten foot tall masculine stewardess - really?

The opening credits should read 'LOOSELY' based on a wonderful Agatha Christie book - and we've completely changed everything but the characters.

With a different actress, different script, and if they'd stuck to the book, this may have been half decent.

Ann and her blooming camera - and her fancy dress costume - really. When she's grabbed by Harry, her face has such an over the top expression I was hoping he'd strangle her!

Amongst the many annoying moments (the fancy dress costumes is one) - for all us stupid viewers we are shown flashbacks of what Ann remembers; just in case our poor brains couldn't keep up with this deeply complicated plot! 'oooh' says Ann, as we're shown the flashback, 'the man in the brown suit took was at the accident' . Oh dear.
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