An Absolute Insult
8 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What I just watched was an insult to jeepers creepers fans ! If you don't like spoilers skip past this review

I'll ignore the bad acting and let's be clear it was bad at times! Frankly I'm more ticked off with the script and how they potrade the creeper and god awful CGI.

It's almost as if who ever was involved In writing this script knew maybe a few things about the original movies found out they had the opportunity to be apart of the 4th and we're like "let's completely wing it and not bother doing any research in to what makes the Creeper the Creeper". They gave him Powers he shouldn't and let's be Clear dose not have !. For some unbeknown reason he had human worshipers that worked for him as if it was like a cult of some kind again this would absolutely not happen !. Don't expect this movie to follow on from the the ending of the second! Which is what I'm sure the majority of Jeepers Creeper fans wanted!

Some of the lines delivered by the characters were that cringy it wasn't even funny to laugh at. One in particular at the end of the movie was the final nail in the coffin in the franchise, if you've seen the movie you know exactly what line I'm talking about!

I mean wasn't that just Absolutely uncalled for!

The movie in general just did not flow, it felt like some scenes were missing from the movie when conversations would get cut short between characters.

The CGI was quite frankly beyond appalling how is it that 2 movies filmed 20 odd years ago can look so much better than today with how far technology has advanced ! It's like a bunch of 1st year university students were behind the entire thing.

Worst movie I have ever seen in my entire life !!!
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