Event Horizon (1997)
Less Event, More Horizon
6 October 2022
Very very very very disappointing. This film doesn't even work as a fun gory romp because all the gore and squeamishness I was promised got cut out of the film. Not that if it was included the film would magically become great, but it would be more entertaining if we saw some crazy action. As it is everything is disappointingly standard in this movie with the main gimmick being an abandoned and haunted space ship. It tries to be more psychological in the first half but it falls on pretty standard scare tropes. And it just becomes a standard action film once it really gets going, and my goodness do scenes of this drag. Most of my entertainment came from the super cool sets and props that they built, and then some of the acting which is admittedly better than I expected. Why I say this was disappointing is because it could've actually been done in a way that was more interesting and unique but as it is it just feels flat. I do have to say there are some interesting parallels between this film and Danny Boyle's Sunshine and I can't help but feel like Boyle was somewhat influenced by this.
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