Family story
5 October 2022
An engaging drama . Devayani and Parthiban belong to the same.economic strata with heavy financial problems. They fall in love after some misunderstandings and decide to marry. His close rich friend Rahman is in Delhi as a bomb squad trainee . Partiban wishes to marry along with his frined Rahman. They start a chain of letters betwewn Devayani's friend. Kaveri and Rahman. After a few letters both fall in love . Partiban and Rahman plan twin weddings. Unfortunately Rahman gets injured in a bomb blast the doctors ask Partiban to get his love Kaveri as Rahman wants to see her before he dies. As its a life threatening issue , Partiban introduces Devayani as Kaveri. Kaveri herself is kidnapped by her uncle for his own marriage . Devayani dutifully plays the role of Kaveri till this gets sorted out . Innocently Rahman believes her and all three play this game for a few days . Kaveri dies at her uncle's hands and Partiban requests Devayani to marry Rahman as he has a lot of favours of his friend heaving upon him. Reluctantly she gives in egged on by her avaracious father Radha Ravi I likeable in his small role as a villain ) . In the end, at the time of marriage , Rahman realises his mistake thanx to Partiban's friend and Devayani ends up marrying Partiban . All four main cast show emotions very well. Rahman is slightly old for this young lover boy role but ends up emoting very well . Devayani is perfectly cast as a middle class girl ready to sacrifice and torn between various men in her life . Over all a fine family fare .
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